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Once orders are posted, tracking will be provided via email or IG.
Orders can only be cancelled under the following conditions:
Because Uber Dandy Kimono’s products are custom-made, Uber Dandy Kimono does not accept returns, and no refunds are available. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if within 30 days of Buyer’s receipt of custom apparel, Buyer discovers material defects in buttons, fasteners, stitching, or materials, it may submit an inquiry to Uber Dandy Kimono for verification; if Uber Dandy Kimono’s Quality Control team determines in its sole discretion that an item is indeed defective, Uber Dandy Kimono will offer an equitable resolution of the matter to Buyer.
Uber Dandy Kimono strives to accurately depict all colors on its website; however, colors displayed on Uber Dandy Kimono’s website are representative. Because there are many variations in computer monitors and browsers, and not all monitors are calibrated equally, color reproduction on the Internet is not precise. Accordingly,Uber Dandy Kimono does not guarantee that what you see online will match the color of the actual product delivered. Even finished products can have minimal color variations within a production run, or in subsequent manufacture. Buyer acknowledges that actual colors may vary from colors shown on your display monitor, and even within an order or in supplemental orders. There are no returns due to color variances.